Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant to Generate Power by end of October 2013

After all the fuzz around it Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant(KNPP) has started generating power. As of now 500MW generation process started and by end of October 1000MW will be generated by the plant. According Union Minister V Narayanasamy the first unit will be added to southern grid. This is really good news for power starving Tamil Nadu as more than 50% of generated power will be allotted to TN. Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant Under Construction We have been listening news about KNPP that many NGOās opposing the KNP Plant citing security concerns over Nuke plant. After Fukushima Disaster in 2011 some NGOās started protesting against KNPP saying the same will be happen with the kudankulam plant, even after many scientists have checked the plant for flaws and they said there is no need to concern about safety of the plant, the protests continued. There also a rumor that these NGOās are funded by western countries who are against Indo-Rus Bond. Kudankulam Nuclear Power ...