Pinterest Web Analytics

Today Pinterest announced Pinterest Web Analytics. Now you can see how many people have pinned content from your site, what content is most popular with pinners, and more.

To get started:

1. Get early access to Pinterest’s new look.

If you want to get an early peek at Pinterest's new look, you'll need to have a business account or list a website on your profile.

Then, hover over the profile menu and click Switch to the New Look.

2. Make sure you have a verified website. If you have a website listed on your profile with a check mark next to it, you’re verified. If not, follow these steps to verify.

3. Once your website is verified, go to the top right menu and click on Analytics.

4. Start exploring! Select time frames to analyze, see where pins are being posted, and more. Check out everything you can do in this video tour.

Today’s announcement builds on the set of tools they are providing for website owners including business accounts, Pin It buttons, and their revamped business site.

Happy analyzing!


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